Selection Result Announcement Acceptance Area CPNS Formation Year 2010 Karanganyar District

Selection Result Announcement Acceptance Area CPNS Formation Year 2010 Karanganyar District
(In Indonesian named as Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Daerah Formasi Tahun 2010 Kabupaten Karanganyar)

December 2010 local government districts have announced the selection acceptance results CPNSD Karanganyar districts central java formation in 2010, complete the following announcement:

MP3 Sujiwo Tejo

Culturalist Agus Hadi Sudjiwo born in Jember, East Java, August 31, 1962. He is better known as Sujiwo Tejo. He is a graduate from ITB. Could be a journalist in KOMPAS daily for 8 years and then changed direction to become a writer, painter, musician and puppeteer. In addition, he also had become a director and played in several movies such as Janji Joni and Detik Terakhir. In addition, he also appeared in theatrical drama KabaretJo which means "Ketawa Bareng Tejo".

Total Vidieo Converter

Now many tools we use in everyday life, and we desperately need these tools, especially is a tool that is portable, one of which is the mobile phone (HP).

Lots of HP users who do not want to lose the most important moment or want to have a collection of videos that can be brought anywhere. So there needs to be a program for convert vidieo files large enough to be in put into HP.

I will share one of these programs to convert files into the file vidieo accordance with what we want, namely Total vidieo Converter 3.61 This program is very easy to operate; can convert into the form of any files, we just select only, can also convert music files and much more ...

This screen shoot, just download and enjoy ....


download via mediafire 

PC Suite for china phone (PC Sync)

China mobile phone (review)
In this modern colonial occupiers lot that goes into our homeland, among colonists in the economic field. China is a country which is very brave clever in the conduct of economic colonialism in Indonesia, which is in terms of marketing its products.

PNS (Pengangguran Ning Sarjana)

What is on our minds, when they hear the word PNS, surely we would imagine a pleasant state of earthly life, all fulfilled as if any would be ....( according to our view)
Without ignoring the philosophy of "SAWANG SINAWANG" was still much too some PNS which still complain feel life is not happy still less with a PNS. In fact we which seeing feels his life has been very well established ......Why did it happen? many factors which cause it may lack a sense of gratitude or perhaps less able to manage the financial conditions which exist or there may be other reasons which individual PNS themselves which know.


So many things we should do when we college ....
start from study, assignments, tests, and even work etc. ..... which all that we do with the purpose and estuaries which same, namely: SUCCESS / SUCCESS in the world and the afterlife
As a student would not want we have to pass through the stages of this one, skripsi do not know why required to take on to become a bachelor .
Many which objected even lazy or against the skripsi, but how else it is a requirement and must be done for those which want to be a Bachelor. (hopefully there is improvement in our Education System)



Download MP3 Iwan Fals - SWAMI (Full Album)
is a legendary album from a musician who is also Indonesia's music legend, which the songs provided by criticism about the social and political life.
We learned a lot from the songs that have been created.

Until now, he has alot of fans and his MP3 song are most wanted, especially old MP3 song
In 1989 this album SWAMI  contains songs:

life style

life .................................
Why should style?
how to style in your
life ?
What advantages and disadvantages of living in
style how to do in life ?


what is life? 
how to life?
where it will life? 
when life ends?

